Failed while receiving initial length byte Constantinos the Great BEACH HOTEL




If you are staying at the hotel, please select IN HOUSE GUEST as your access method and follow the log-in steps to access the internet.


If you are visiting the hotel, please select VISITOR as your access method and request an access code from the reception.


If you are participating in a meeting, please select VISITOR as your access method and ask the organizer for your meeting access code.

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Privacy Policy

Information that we collect

• Submitted information: the information you provide when login, such as social media account or details provided on a form. • Additional information: the responses to any of the surveys and ratings we send to you. • Device information: information about the device (mac address)

How we store your data

On behalf of our clients (hotel/venue) data is stored on EEA secure server sites in accordance with regulations and will be erased every 24 months.

How your data is used

Your data might be used following your approval from our clients (hotel/venue) to communicate with you to offer you relevant goods and services.

Who may use your data

The owner of the hotel/venue maybe use your data.

Accessing your own data?

You can access and amend the data we hold on behalf of our clients (hotel/venue) at any time visiting your Profile Portal.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us info@atlanticahotels .com

Terms of Use

End User License Agreement

Important notice

This end-user license agreement (EULA) and the Privacy Policy (Privacy Policy) (together the Terms and Conditions) constitute the legal agreement between you (You or Your) and Atlantica Hotels ( place correct name of company ) (We, Us or Our)) relating to the provision by Us to You of a web app service (the Service) to be used by You at any venue/hotel where the Service is available. Please read this EULA and the Privacy Policy carefully. If You do not accept the Terms and Conditions We will not permit access to the Service and the joining process will immediately terminate. By joining and using the Service You agree to be legally bound by the Terms and


Agreed terms

Acknowledgements and consents

You acknowledge that the Terms and Conditions (as may be amended from time to time) apply to the use of the Service (including any future updates to it) by You. You acknowledge and accept that We may change the Terms and Conditions at any time. All changes (if any) will be communicated to You through a link on the log-in page for the Service. You will be required to read and accept any such changes to continue using the Service. You must have obtained the permission of the owner of any computer, tablet, mobile telephone, smartphone or other electronic devices (Device) which You use to access the Service (and which is not owned by You) to use the Service. By accepting the Terms and Conditions You accept responsibility for the use of the Service on any Device whether or not you own it. You acknowledge and agree that internet transmissions are never completely private or secure and that any information which You send by using the Service may be read or intercepted by another party even if there is a special notice that a particular transmission is encrypted. You consent to Us collecting and using technical information about Your Device (and any related software, hardware and peripherals) to evaluate, improve or refine the Service in accordance with the Privacy Policy. You acknowledge that the internet connection and access are separate from the Service and that websites accessed by You are not under the control of Us and that We are not responsible for and do not endorse their content or privacy policies (if any). You acknowledge and agree that all intellectual property rights in the Service (and its underlying technology) belong to Us (or Our licensors) and that You have no rights in or to the Service other than the non-exclusive and non- transferrable right to use it in accordance with the Terms and Conditions.

Provision of the Service

In consideration of You accepting the Terms and Conditions, We agree to provide the Service to You until such time as We cease provision of the Service to You. You may stop using and We may stop providing the Service at any time.

Limitations and exclusions

The Service is provided to You on an ‘as is’ and ‘as available’ basis and therefore all warranties, conditions and other terms implied by statute or common law are, to the fullest extent permitted by law, excluded from the Terms and Conditions. We shall not be liable to You for any losses (whether direct, indirect or consequential) caused by failures, errors, delays or interruptions of, in or to the Service. We shall have no liability to You if any third party gains access to Your connection to the Service or Your Device or destroys or damages any data or information held by You or information about You which is held by Us.


The Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between You and Us as to the provision of the Service and they (and any dispute or claims arising from them) are irrespective of the location from which the Service is accessed, governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Republic of Cyprus with the Cypriot courts having exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with them. Any notice to be given by Us to You may be given by post or email to any postal or email address given by You. Any notice to be given by You to Us may be given by post to Atlantica Prefered Address ? or by email to ?

Cookie Policy

We use cookies for functional purposes; to distinguish you as a user while you navigate in the website. Cookies are used to help you get the most out of using the Internet. Find out what cookies are and what we do to protect your privacy.

A “cookie” is a piece of information, like a tag, that’s stored on your computer, tablet or phone when you visit a website. It can help identify your device – like your PC or mobile device – whenever you visit that website.

They are used by most major websites and our own website is no exception. To make the best use of our website, on whichever device you’re using, you’ll need to make sure your web browser is set to accept cookies.

We use cookies and some other data stored on your device to:

• give you a better online experience • allow you to set personal preferences • protect your security • measure and improve our service • work with partners and measure marketing

A cookie will typically hold:

• the name of the website that it has come from • how long the cookie will stay on your computer or phone • a value, normally in the form of a randomly generated unique number

How we use cookies

To give you a better online experience we use a number of cookies. Our site uses ‘session-based’ cookies, which are stored by your web browser for the duration of your visit to our website, but these cookies expire automatically when you close your browser or sign out.

Cookies are used for a variety of things that help improve your online experience. We uses cookies, primarily to:

• make login faster by remembering your device • make the page load quickly by sharing the workload across computers • help optimise our pages for your browser or device

Managing Cookies

The easiest way to manage cookies is by using your browser settings. You can also choose how you want to deal with cookies when given the option by a website.

You can accept or refuse cookies. Accepting cookies is usually the best way to make sure you get the best from a website.

Most PCs automatically accept them but you can change your browser settings to restrict, block or delete cookies if you want. Each browser is different, so check the ‘Help’ menu of your particular browser (or your mobile phone’s handset manual) to learn how to change your cookie preferences. Many browsers have universal privacy settings for you to choose from.

You will be charged for this Service, are you sure?




If you are staying at the hotel, please select IN HOUSE GUEST as your access method and follow the log-in steps to access the internet.


If you are visiting the hotel, please select VISITOR as your access method and request an access code from the reception.


If you are participating in a meeting, please select VISITOR as your access method and ask the organizer for your meeting access code.




If you are staying at the hotel, please select IN HOUSE GUEST as your access method and follow the log-in steps to access the internet.


If you are visiting the hotel, please select VISITOR as your access method and request an access code from the reception.


If you are participating in a meeting, please select VISITOR as your access method and ask the organizer for your meeting access code.

Access Method

Room Number:
Choose Package:
Service Period:
Download Speed:
Upload Speed:
No. of devices:
I accept the Terms and Conditions.

or login with:       




If you are staying at the hotel, please select IN HOUSE GUEST as your access method and follow the log-in steps to access the internet.


If you are visiting the hotel, please select VISITOR as your access method and request an access code from the reception.


If you are participating in a meeting, please select VISITOR as your access method and ask the organizer for your meeting access code.




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